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Be the first one in the overall classification and you will win this jersey.

Use your illusion and your habilities to work with your team and do your best.

Get the jersey of the big ones

¿Quieres agendar tu primera clase?



Be regular. Work every day. Don´t fail. Help your classmates.

Value them, encourage them, 

and you will wear this great jersey.



Prove you know everything about mountains and rivers.

Be the best mountain climber and wear a jersey

that only the legends can get.



Enlarge your knowledge of Geography. Find curious information, share it with your classmates and add it to your route.

This jersey can be yours!

© 2016 por Angel Perea.

Le Tour de Europe es una gamificación creada por Angel Perea para los alumnos

de 6º de Educación Primaria del Colegio Valle del Miro de Valdemoro.

Es un proyecto Creative Commons. Su utilización es libre para cualquier centro educativo y 

nos iremos con una sonrisa a casa si además nos lo hacéis saber ;)

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