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20 XP POINTS Improve the life of another person with your knowledge in these lesson. A friend, a family,... whoever. Prove it and you will become into an even better kid.


10 XP POINTS Go and visit a Science Museum. Prove it with a picture or whatever.


5 XP POINTS Bring to class real scientific news related with this unit. Tell it to Dr. Jelinek.


10 XP POINTS Make or create a craft related with this science unit.


5 XP POINTS Make some good decoration related with your laboratory. Place it in the classroom wall.


5 XP POINTS Take a picture of yourself dressed up as Dr. Jelinek


10 XP POINTS Make a summary of the whole unit and prove your knowledge to Dr. Jelinek.

© 2016 Creado por Angel Perea con

The Sanatorium of Dr. Jelinek ha sido creado por Ángel Perea López para los alumnos de 6º de Ed. Primaria del Coleigo Valle del Miro.

La narrativa e historia es creación propia del autor, inspirada en las gamificaciones de "La torre de Salfumán" de Salvador Carrión y "The hospital" de Javier Espinosa 

Es un proyecto Creative Commons.

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