An adventure for daring players of
Colegio Valle del Miro

Do you still feel like becoming a great scientist?
You need to keep learning a lot of things from Dr. Jelinek if you want to.
We´ve got an emergency!! One of our pupils from 6º called Bruce Bogtrotter had an indigestion after stealing and eating a big chocolate cake. He needs your help to save his life and recover him. So it´s time to work!!!
His name is...... BRUCE BOGTROTTER
Bruce´s mother phoned this morning to the school because he has been vomiting last night after at home. He is very worried because he has an awful stomach ache.
You can earn 100 XP points with this case.
Create a report of quick report explaining the case.
A. Explain the main functions of the digestive system.
B. Bruce has ingested seven eggs, two broccoli, a crocodile steak and the big chocolate cake for dinner last night. (may be the food can be poissoned). Explain the nutrients found in each food he has eaten.
C. Name the parts of the digestive system and explain the functions of every part. Explain also the process of digestion. Include some drawings if you want to..
D. Suggest Bruce some habits not to have more digestive problems. Which nutrient is very healthy for the digestive system? Recommend it to Bruce.
Dr. Jelinek is taking advantage of Bruce Brogtrotter. As he is in the sanatorium, he is going to make him breath a mixture of helium and oxygen so he will start laughing and they´ll have a good time.
A. Name the parts of the respiratory system. Read, think, watch, and explain what is the function of every part.
B. Explain in your notebook how the helium and oxygen is going to enter through his body, and how is going to come out. The complete process.
Include some drawings if you need to.
C. Explain how is the process of the gas exchange in the lungs.
D. Suggest Bruce some habits not to have any respiratory problems.
E. Oh, i think Bruce is aphonic. What may have happened? Something related with his vocal chords? Try to think.
Start these two investigations in your iPad. Do it with your favorite app.
SMOKING. What is it? Explain the benefits and disadvantages. How does the smoke affect to the lungs. Create a campaign and try to convince an adult to stop smoking. Prove it and you will earn extra 20 XP points!
THE PERFECT DIET. Create a balanced diet of a weekend including breakfast, lunch and dinner, defining the nutrients of the food. Explain why you´ve chosen those ingredients. Explain the benefits and why these nutrients are healthy for your body.
Make it real at home, prove it and you will earn 20 XP points!!
Now Bruce can go home with his mother. He will not eat such a big amount of cake any more.