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                                 MISSION 4 "A QUESTION OF BLOOD" 

   Rafa Nadal has arrived to the hospital by ambulance. He has had an accident while he was riding his bicycle. He has crashed into a car and he felt an impact on his chest.


   You can earn 100 XP points with this case. You will have three lessons in class to do it. You will have a written test next week, so work hard.


   1. Create an IMOVIE presentation and a poster explaining the case of Rafa Nadal. You have to appear in the video explaining all the parts that are below. Then, share it with teacher Angel in google classroom. 


     Help: Record a video of no more than 1 minute explaining the case. Use technical words and expressions. It´s better if you write in a paper your presentation before doing it.

   2. REPORT. Remember to include drawings and explanations.




                 2.1. We are going to make a blood test from Rafa´s arm. Explain the components of the blood, function of each component...(include drawings)


                 2.2. Rafa has lost a lot of blood. He is group 0+ and he needs a transfussion. Check in the following webpage if it is easy to find a donor and explain why.


                 2.3. Explain the three types of vessels in a chart and explain how the blood flows through a vein.(include drawings)


                 2.4. Rafa Nadal started to have periocarditis when he was playing the Wimbledon Championship some years ago. Draw a heart and explain the structure (chambers) : atria, valves and ventricles of the heart. (drawings)


                 2.5. Describe the heart of Rafa, location, composition, beats and explain why is a double pump.    


                 2.6. Describe the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Which half of the heart carries each type of blood?


                2.7.DIAGNOSIS.  We have discovered that one of the arteries of Rafa´s heart is almost blocked. Explain him what is may be happening. Check this website if you need to:


                2.8. CONCLUSION.  Give 3 recommendations to Rafa to improve his heart health. Rafa has high blood pressure give him 3 recommendations to reduce it.



© 2016 Creado por Angel Perea con

The Sanatorium of Dr. Jelinek ha sido creado por Ángel Perea López para los alumnos de 6º de Ed. Primaria del Coleigo Valle del Miro.

La narrativa e historia es creación propia del autor, inspirada en las gamificaciones de "La torre de Salfumán" de Salvador Carrión y "The hospital" de Javier Espinosa 

Es un proyecto Creative Commons.

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