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      This season is reaching the end.

Dr. Jelinek wants to prove if your career keeps going so he has a new challenge for all of you.

You´ll have a MEETING with Mr. Jelinek at the VALLE DEL MIRO SCIENCE FAIR where you´ll show to the school your advances, talent and creativity. This will take place on Thursday, May 25th so you can start working right now.

But, what do I need to do?

A science project

Me, Alone?

Well, you can do it individually or by pairs, is up to you

And, where are the instructions?

Here you are:

1. It must be a science project related with ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, MATTER OR ENERGY.

2. You must choose a title.


3. You must choose a Science affirmation you want to prove.

4. You should write an introduction for your project, explaining why are you doing it.

5. Explain also the materials you have used,  how you created it, and a good conclusion for it.

6. Use worksheets, cardboards or whatever you want in order everybody can watch it, but don´t do it in with your iPad this time.


You will win a MAXIMUM OF 200 POINTS

to reach your FINAL GRADE.


© 2016 Creado por Angel Perea con

The Sanatorium of Dr. Jelinek ha sido creado por Ángel Perea López para los alumnos de 6º de Ed. Primaria del Coleigo Valle del Miro.

La narrativa e historia es creación propia del autor, inspirada en las gamificaciones de "La torre de Salfumán" de Salvador Carrión y "The hospital" de Javier Espinosa 

Es un proyecto Creative Commons.

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