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      Dr. Jellinek is a mad scientist that works to improve the world and helps the people to live better. He owns a lone laboratory in the  Scottish Highlands where he does every type of experiments, using medicines, people, weird artefacts and in some cases... magic spells.

   But one day, something went wrong.... 

   Trying to cure a sick patient with neuronal problems, Dr. Jellynek used an experimental potion that transformed the patient into an evil creature that nowadays, wants to destroy the world.


His name is..... 





















Dr. Jellinek needs your help  to defeat him .

Would you like to work with him in one of his laboratories?

Would you like to use his spells ?

Would you like to defeat Kraven?

© 2016 Creado por Angel Perea con

The Sanatorium of Dr. Jelinek ha sido creado por Ángel Perea López para los alumnos de 6º de Ed. Primaria del Coleigo Valle del Miro.

La narrativa e historia es creación propia del autor, inspirada en las gamificaciones de "La torre de Salfumán" de Salvador Carrión y "The hospital" de Javier Espinosa 

Es un proyecto Creative Commons.

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