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    We´ve got problems!!!

   KRAVEN is here!!! He wants to destroy Dr. Jelinek´s sanatorium. We´ve heard that he is coming in the next days so we have to be alert in case of an attack.

Luckily, one of Dr. Jelinek´s best friend is a great fighter that can help defending the sanatorium.

His name is......                        JOHN CENA




But there´s something wrong :( . In the last fight against Rey Misterio, John Cena got hurt and some of his bones were broken, as well as some muscles. 

Can you help him???

You can earn 100 XP points with this case if you help Dr. Jelinek with Mr. Cena.

1. You´ll have to write a report of the case. Be clean, you´ll have to explain it directly to Dr. Jelinek.

2. Write in your notebook a report for Dr. Jelinek with the following aspects of John Cena´s injury.

2.1. What are the main functions of the skeletal system? 

2.2. Check JOHN CENA´S body. Have a look to the x-ray. Which bones have fractures? Make a list of them classifying them into flat, long or short bones. Add the rest of the important bones of the body in your classification.











2.3. Are there any joints broken? Find one and explain what is it. Explain the types of joints as well. 

2.4. ONLY THIS POINT IN KEYNOTE. Find an skeletal picture and label the bones in the skeleton. Classify them into Head, torso and imbs. Then, add some more.

2.5. In your notebook. Cartilage? What is it? What does it do and why is important for our bones. Explain him also how are the bones connected to the muscles

2.6. Suggest John Cena what does he needs to do to recover himself.


3.1. John Cena has some difficulties and pain in his muscles. 

3.2. ONLY THIS POINT IN KEYNOTE. Find an skeletal picture and label the main muscles in the skeleton. 

3.3. Tendons. Can you explain what are they and how do they work?

3.4. Specifically, he has some difficulties to move his arms and legs. Which muscles does he need to move these limbs? What type of movements can he do with arms and legs? Explain the movements and how these muscles are called depending of the movement. 

3.5. What is the use of the muscles of our body?


4. John Cena has an sprain in his ankle and a strain in his quadriceps. What is it? How can you cure it? Where can you have sprains and strains? Answer it.

Diagnostic. Write in your notebook a report about all John Cena´s injuries. Explain what are his problems and recommend him good healthy habits to prevent more.



5.1. Investigate about the "Tendón de Aquiles". Find out where is it, why it has this name and write about its history.

5.2. Investigate about "Ligament breaks" and give some examples of REAL sport players injuries and their recovery. 



In some days, our friend will be totally recovered. Thank you for your help!!!

© 2016 Creado por Angel Perea con

The Sanatorium of Dr. Jelinek ha sido creado por Ángel Perea López para los alumnos de 6º de Ed. Primaria del Coleigo Valle del Miro.

La narrativa e historia es creación propia del autor, inspirada en las gamificaciones de "La torre de Salfumán" de Salvador Carrión y "The hospital" de Javier Espinosa 

Es un proyecto Creative Commons.

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